My strange dream is as follows... I am familiar with major archetypes and most of the time I can figure out my dreamsand how they relate to my current life. But this dream was a little different... All I really remember was that there were these "different fields of view" that I could see out of. Mostly triangles, so instead of seeing normal I would see different scenes out of these different shapes. And the scenes would change constantly, most of them were like a kalideoscope but with colors changing all the time. I remember the predominant color being green. I could talk to people but I could only see them out of one field of view. And since they were all changing it was hard to see them/concentrate on them out of the field of view. And talking to someone was really strange, it required this total concentration and I felt like I was "inside my head". I remember talking to someone at school in the hallway but I could only see them through a tirangle. And it was really hard to concentrate for more than a second because all the shapes around the triangle were moving and changing. Then I remember opening presents with someone else (can't remember who) in one of my classes. And the teacher was handing the these presents to unwrap. The odd thing was that all my fields of view were chaning at once while I was looking & unwraping these presents out of one field of view, color was mostly red while doing this. Oh yeah, before I had this dream I was extremely stressed out and hadn't had enough sleep for about 4 days. -Seti